Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Good morning! *still in sleepy mood, outside heavily down pour. (back to sleep) After ''awhile'' What?! It's already 10.17a.m. Haha, pig enough leh :3

This afternoon open my school beg.. Oh shiet, run out of foolscap paper :(( *Mum.... bring me to bouluvard, I want to buy foolscap paper. Mum: No car at home! Call your dad. So I planned to walk there because my house is quite close to bouluvard. So I go to bath and yeah, walk there. The weather is good when I'm walking there. After I bought the things I want, common sense, walk home lo. On the way home......................................... Tiny little rain. =.=" So I walk back to bouluvard. Suddenly no rain again. KNS, so I decided to walk back home, in a few minutes.......... Not tiny little rain, raining cats and dogs!! =.= Sigh. Go to Mcd, buy a choco top and call daddy to fetch me. So the rain ruined up my afternoon.

Tomorrow still have school. Gotta sleep now. Good night (:

God bless,

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