Sunday, April 3, 2011


Well, today is Sunday. As usual, I woke up early in the morning, go to church. HAH! Guess what? I escaped this morning's Sunday school! Teehee! It's not good actually, but once in a time yeah. Hahaha. This afternoon I took a 2hours nap after I have my lunch! Oh yeah :D After I wake up, I follow papa and mama go to grandpapa and grandmama yard to clean up. Time really fly like an arrow. Back to the old time, I always go to grandma house for my lunch. I miss my grandma's cooking especially chicken soup! TT It was freaking awesome!

Good thing today, I found my watermark! I doesn't need to design a new one anymore. Yes!

Eh eh eh, share one things with you. Did you ever play monopoly before? I guess the answer is got right? Then you MUST try this out! It's call monopoly deal!
It's play in card form, very very very poisonous. This game already drive me crazy! Got time can play with me ah! (:

''Haih'' << Will tell you more about it sooner or later.

God bless,

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